Day and the life of a volunteer/foster parent...........5:30 a.m. I get up to let the dogs out, my personal doggies out one door, the foster doggies out another (just in case someone does not want to get along, and you know I can't watch 6 or 7 dogs at one time). Ok they are in, breakfast for everyone. Carmen must eat- foster cat in the back bedroom who does not appreciate the animals in the house. Clean litter box.
Is that the phone already? Oh no, I forgot to get husbands shirts from the cleaners, must iron him a shirt, of course one of us has to go to work!! Someone pooped on the floor,
who did it this time? Hurry, shower, get ready for the dentist....phone again, there is a HOARDER in Riverdale 55 animals ~mental note get to dentist, find GPS to get to the animals that need help, put crates in car ..................skip lunch, gym AND breakfast, gag at the Dentist............Someone coming to pick up their new doggie at my house - make copies, check for poop, spray house in case there is an odor!! Mental note, MUST clean carpet.
Get home, meet my foster dogs new parents, visit, TRY to find foster homes for the animals we retrieved from the hoarder.
Dinner? What's that- send husband to the store for sandwiches AGAIN!! Break up fight between the new foster coming in and the one who thinks he lives here.
Well worth it, see above for just a few of the doggies we saved from this terrible hoarder.BED!!!!!
Don't litter, spay and neuter your critter.