How long have you been fostering? ~2 years
Why do you foster? I do not have a lot of money to donate at this time in my life so it is a perfect way for me to help a great cause!
Do you tend to foster any animal or breed? I like puppies! I also love any color, size, age and breed of cats/kittens!
Who was your favorite/most memorable foster pet and why? My first 3 kittens I bottle fed. I flunked as a foster with them and they are mine- Comet, Moon, and Star (see picture.) Moon developed pneumonia around 3 weeks and was a miracle survivor. At around 4 weeks, Star drank some spilled water that had artificial sweetner in it. An amazing vet treated and saved him on a Sunday over a holiday weekend. I had been through so much with them I couldn't give them up. They are around 2 1/2 years old now.
What have you learned by fostering? That you never can tell which animals will appeal to potential forever families. Sometimes the most unlikely mutt or black cat gets a home over fancier competition - I love it!
If you could tell the world one thing about animal welfare and rescue what would it be? That is is not easy but the rewards far outweigh the work...
Favorite quote/saying? It's a familiar one to many that I have changed to be my own with an "animal" addition--- "One hundred years from now, It will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, or how much money I had in the bank, but the world may be a better place because I made a difference in a child's and an animal's life." The author to original is unknown. I will be the author for this one!