It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since the fateful trip to Petsmart where I saw Tootie the Chocolate Dachshund and fell in love at first sight. Meeting Tootie eventually led me to be a foster friend.
I’m Rollo, a senior chihuahua from public shelter. I loves my mommy and daddy. It used to be just the 3 of us. I spent lots of time with Mommy at college, so I very sad when Mommy got job and leaved every morning. All day I watch out the window for her and cry and sometimes have a ceaser (seizure).
That’s when I had a series of good ideas. First idea was to pay Mommy excellent salary to be stay at home Mom. This offer is still on the table, but no luck yet since the exchange rate for Rollodollars is not very good in the US. Next idea was for Daddy to grill me a big juicy steak every morning to cheer me up. Daddy said steak is not Rollo food. I says this is a common misconception. Well, finally I had an idea they appreciated. I said to buy me a friend!
Tootsie and I are inseparable. Every time I get back from vet, she so excited. If I go upstairs without her, she cry. When I was in hospital, she was so sad and moping around until I came back. I can’t imagine bedtime without Tootie making bed for 10 minutes, and can’t imagine potty time without her silly dance. But I might not have her If my mommy and daddy hadnt asked how old she was (they thought she was puppy), or hadn’t let me meet her, or hadn’t made a slightly higher one time donation than mine to get healthy, spayed, family-ready dog. We had our arms open to new family member, and she has brought love and fun to our family in ways we never knew possible
Mommy and Daddy loved me and Tooters so much that they decided to be foster family for other dogs. Now we has lots of cute friends all the time and gets to show other lonely dogs the joys of having a snuggle as we help them find a family. Since we has opened our little trio to other animals, our family has more love now than ever before. Mommy and Daddy are even getting married! I love all of the friends I have met but most of all of course I loves my Tooters. Happy anniversary, Tooterpants!