Position: President/Founder
How did GHS get started? After Katrina I became aware that animals were being brought to Georgia from the states that were affected by the storm. They were literally killing animals in Georgia to make room for animals to come from other states. I thought to myself "what are they thinking?" So, I started networking with people from around the country via the internet and began transporting dogs to the northern states where the overpopulation problem is much less than in the south.
Why is it so important to work towards a no kill Georgia? It is morally wrong to kill animals for population control. We are lost as a human race if we don't stop destroying our planet and that includes the destruction of non-human animals for our convenience.
How many animals has GHS helped and in what ways? We have saved thousands of lives, through adoption, transport, spay/neuter and education. I don't have an exact number because we have set up transport programs that are still in existence and have not kept track of how many animals are transported each year through those programs.
What has been the most rewarding experience you have had? There's not just one.... what's most rewarding to me are the updates we receive from our adopters. To know we have given an animal that had been thrown away, a second chance is the most rewarding thing to me. It's the only thing that keeps me doing this day in and day out.
What has been one of the hardest experiences you have had? Documenting 300 dogs in a puppy mill that were living in the worst conditions you could ever imagine...
Do you have a favorite foster/rescue story? Alex the little Beagle/Terrier mix that I rescued from a vet clinic in December 2007. He had both forms of mange and had bleeding sores all over him. He was a mess! It took almost a year for him to recover but when he did he was adopted by a wonderful family and now has a happy life.
If you could tell the world one thing what would it be?
Stop killing non-human animals!
What can the general public do to help GHS and help save animals?
Donate and volunteer!!!
For more information on Michelle and the amazing work of GHS please click here.