Hi! I'm Colby. I'm a 7 week old Calico and I have 1 sister and 4 brothers. I had a very rough day today. I woke up in my new foster home and I was very scared. My eyes hurt, because they are both infected and I couldn't stop scratching my ears, because of the earmites I am being treated for. See that picture? That's me when GHS came to my rescue. I can't even get my eyes open and I am covered in dirt. I don't feel very good, but I did meet my foster mom today who seems very nice. I like her snuggles. She told me I would never have to live outside again and that she was going to help me feel better. She gave me and my siblings baths which we didn't like at all. We didn't complain though, because it felt so good to get all the flea dirt washed away. Our foster mom said the water was so dirty...what did she expect? We've been rolling around in the mud for weeks! Then, we had to be dewormed. I don't know what that means, but we had to drink this yellow liquid. Our tummies are huge, because of the worms. Foster mommy asked us why we each ate tennis balls. We don't eat tennis balls! They are too big! She thinks she is funny. Not funny. We just are kittens that lived outside. She said we only have to drink the yellow stuff a couple more times and then we will have happy tummies! Then, she put more stuff in my eyes. She said she was sorry they were red and swollen and that soon they will be better. I was so tired after all this that I asked foster mommy if I could take a nap...well I didn't really ask I just crawled on top of her and fell asleep. My brother Chief came and curled up too. She gave us lots of kisses and hugs and told us that soon we would be ready for a new forever home. I don't know what that means, but I do know that I feel lots better now that I am all clean. Now if only Cougar and Champ would stop playing I could get some rest!!!