Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Alpha was rescued in memory of Old Yeller on August 25th. I saw a plea out for rescue to save him a few days before. I, as a foster generally do not take in big doggies. This due to the fact that my big girl is intimidated by bigger dogs, and my little male Doxie mix will not tolerate an unaltered male in the house........with all of this taken into consideration, we decided that we wanted to open up our home to this poor guy. As most of you know he is very skinny, has heartworms and every other kind of worm imaginable. Alpha has never been in a home, and wants to "mark" all over hence the diaper. I tell all new fosters not to be alarmed the first few days when the new foster comes into the home and seems unmanageable (and they/me think to themselves -what was I thinking??). This time, I had to take my own advice - at first I had to carry him in and out, pick him up when he fell, put up a ramp to go down the two stairs to the back. He did not eat at all, and obviously needed something. Alpha is now climbing those two steps, gobbling up his food (can only...and not cheap stuff), and going into his crate. What a difference a few days make. He is a precious baby who is making such progress. I believe he might have even gained a pound. Thank you to everyone who contributed monetarily and emotionally to allow this little guy to be saved.