Thursday, July 22, 2010


"I always get choked up when I think how if we had never "taken 1 more" or "inconvenienced"ourselves for a couple weeks some of these little lives would be completely different. That kitty was well on its way to a life like the poor kitties we saw tonight, covered in fleas and ticks and hoping for a little trash to eat. I'm glad he's safe and will always have a soft place to sleep and good food to eat!" -GHS Foster Mom Amy

This quote was in reference to a litter of kittens we took in even though all our foster homes were full. They arrived in a cardboard box taped shut and were very dehydrated. They are all so loving and sweet! Most have since found happy forever homes, but the two girls are patiently waiting. We received a note from the adopter of the big fluffy black one that really touched us, and Amy conveyed what most of us can't: each life is precious.