Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lil Mama and Coalition to Unchain Dogs

Last Saturday, four GHS volunteers went to the first build in Atlanta for the Coalition to Unchain Dogs! The goals of the organization are to:
  1. Building free fences for people who chain their dogs.
  2. Educating the community about the detrimental effects of chaining on both the dog and the community.
  3. Helping groups around the country to start free-fencing programs and to lobby for legislation to help chained dogs.
  4. Lobbying for legislation which disallows or severely restricts tethering of dogs.
The fence was built in the back yard of a house just a few miles East of the city. The fence took about 3.5 hours to build, and we were lucky to have pros there from North Carolina who could explain to everyone just how to build a fence! Little Mama is a beautiful Pitbull around 3 years old who was rescued in Chicago from the owner's cousins home. T took Lil Mama with him when he moved to Atlanta, but has had to keep her tied to a tree as the landlord doesn't allow dogs in his apartment. The coalition built a huge fence for Mama to run freely and play so that she doesn't have to live the remainder of her days on a small lead. She's got plenty of shade, a big doghouse, and now she can be safely protected. Lil Mama was also spayed and vaccinated!

We are so excited to help this amazing organization! Thanks to Kate, Stacy, Michelle, and Mary for representing GHS! If you would like to get involved with this organization, please contact us or go to their website directly!