Name: Chris Collins
Location: Atlanta GA (midtown)
How long have you been fostering? Feb. 2010
Why do you foster? I foster because it fills the house with something special, like not only do I get to have dogs, but I get to know im helping them at the same time.
Do you tend to foster any animal or breed? I like all types of dogs, from huskies to chihuahuas I tend to go for the bigger dogs because they need a place sometimes more than the smaller ones.

Who was your favorite/most memorable foster pet and why? The most memorable foster was definitely Rosie the pug. She was hilarious and snored sooo loud I did not think I was ever going to sleep....eventually it became like a noise machine for me.
What have you learned by fostering? I have learned that people really have no clue how bad the homeless animal situation is and some people are virtually impossible to even educate.
Favorite quote/saying? "One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings." - Diogenes (greek Philosopher)
Chris with his two current fosters---Garrett and Suze.