Hi all, it's me, Alpha, the precious baby that you all chose to save in memory of Old Yeller/JoJo (my foster mom told me all about it, and how thankful she is for people like you). It is now time for the truth to come out.....I am a dog, I tried to hide it from my foster mom, so she would feel sorry for me and not squirt me when I lifted my leg in the house on her persian rugs and her old furniture, I mean what kind of foster parent wants to have something in the house I can't pee-pee on?? Oh, and my ear hurt so I could not hear, she really felt bad for me when she thought I might be deaf and I got lots of extra attention, but I feel soooo much better and turns out I can hear. I am now on her schedule and NOT my own now, which I have been told is the best thing for me. I must go to the bathroom outside and come when I am called....I love to go for walks with my foster daddy like a real doggie! I LOVE bones, cookies and hanging out in the kitchen when food is cooking. I try to help unload the dishwasher, but not allowed to lick the clean dishes, go figure!! My foster mom says I must get "fixed" SOON, not sure what that means but it does not sound good. I heard this while she was on the phone and one of the small, long things they call Doxies got mad at me and growled because I started doing something I should not, gee I thought I was playing?? Anyway, I am eating great and just loving life now. Oh, here comes my foster daddy, I think I am going for another walk...bye for now. BIG hugs and kisses from me!