By the way, I'm Rollo the Hungry Chihuahua! Once upon a time, I was rescued from a shelter, and now I volunteers for the Humane Society. My friend Mary gived me this password so I can introduce you to some of my friends.Suze the Husky ("Suzy")

Today, I got a big friend! Sometimes I is too scared to have a big friend, but Su

ze is the bestest Big Friend I has ever met! She is three years old and I thinks she might be a Husky mixed with German Shepherd. She is full grown but could stand to gain a few pounds. Daddy says that is why she gets a snack and I don't. I says that is body type discrimination. But Suze is so gentle and sweet to me that I loves her soooooo much. She licks me in the nose and on the head.

She does not go around fast inside or play rough. She is happy and friendly to everyone she meets. She is house-trained and spayed and vaccinated and loves to be in the car and go places. She also likes to take a nap on the cool floor.
I loves Suze, and I will be sad when she gets adopted so I can't follow her and lick her anymore, but I hopes more than anything that she will find good family. Suze didn't have such a good family before. She even has a mark on her neck from having chain too tight for too long. She will make a good Mommy or Daddy very, very happy one day soon. If you know of someone who would be good family for Suze, email or
Your Friend,