Emily was rescued by Laura Fields on the day Laura and her husband Chad were to become foster's for GHS. She was sitting on the side of the road, covered in what Laura knew was most likely mange. Laura knew she had to pick her up or she would be hit by a car or starve to death living on the streets.
We took her to the vet on Saturday and they confirmed she had sarcoptic mange with a secondary skin infection due to scratching and biting herself from the itching. Mange can be deadly if it's left untreated so Emily was very lucky that Laura found her when she did.
Emily is an extremely good puppy! She didn't cry at all her first night with us even though she was alone in our bathroom and miserable from the itching. I gave her a bath with medicated shampoo (which she hated) when we arrived home and gave her three different kinds of medication. She took it all in stride but I knew she was depressed. When I got up this morning I could see that she hadn't eaten any of her food last night so I pulled out a can of good puppy food. She perked right up when she smelled the food and ate every last bite of it. She took her meds. and laid back down on her bed for a rest. Hopefully, by tomorrow she will be feeling a lot better since it will be her third day of treatment. I'll keep updating on her progress.....