Thursday, February 24, 2011


Got a call from Michelle and heard that terrible word "hoarder", then puppies, a couple sick with parvo one dead. OK, got the room ready for six week old pups and then off to meet Michelle to pick up my little pups.....oh to my surprise when I saw just how tiny they were. NO WAY these babies are six weeks, they looked to be 3-4 weeks tops. I took a deep breath and was determined I could do this.........well, because these babies are so very strong after two scary weeks I am taking a deep breath because we all made it. They are functioning like 6 week old puppies now free of worms and eating good food. And, I must mention their poop looks really good!

As I sit here with the house quiet and the puppies sleeping in the doggie bed next to me, I think about how dependent on me they are for everything, including picking them the BEST forever home. People always ask me how I can foster and "not keep them all". I usually just say well we find perfect homes, failing to mention all the people we have to weed out because they want to leave them outside, in the dog house of course, or they have a nice little pen and 10 children, 3 dogs and 6 cats. All animals deserve the best, unfortunately, we have failed as a society due mostly to greed to give them that. SAD

Check back with me, I am going to become a real blogger in all my spare time!