Friday, February 11, 2011

If Only There Were More Caley's...

As a volutneer run rescue group, Georgia Humane could not operate if it weren't for our amazing volunteers. Our youngest volunteer, Caley, is a shining example of what we hope all teenagers (and adults) should be like! We asked GHS President, Michelle, about Caley and this is what she had to say:

"Caley is one of our high school heroes! She comes to adoptions every Saturday to help walk dogs, clean the adoption center or anything we ask her to do. We really don't ask her, she just jumps in and does whatever she sees is needed. She does all of this on her only weekend day off from school and homework when she could be out doing things with her friends. Which by the way' she has plenty of them! She's been volunteering for us since she was 16 and she just turned 18. Caley has a huge heart for the animals and is one of the sweetest girls I've ever met. We know soon she will be off to college and we are hoping she will stay in Atlanta but wherever she goes I know she will always be helping animals."

Caley comes to our adoption events every Saturday to help us with find our rescues new forever homes. While foster parents talk to potential adopters, Caley watches the dogs and puppies, plays with them, walks them, introduces them to visitors, and answers questions. If that weren't enough, she is always in a great mood and has a contagious smile that ensures our adoption events are always a good time! We want the whole world to know about the amazing things this young woman is doing!

Meet Caley:
Name: Caley Marchesseault
Age: 18

Hobbies: Soccer, reading, snorkeling
How long have you been volunteering with Georgia Humane? 2 1/2 years

Why do you volunteer? I volunteer
because I love animals-especially dogs-and I can't have any of my own because my mom is allergic. Volunteering is my way of giving back to loving animals who deserve a second chance.

What do you do as a volunteer? As a volunteer, I work mostly with the doggies. I walk them (I pick up their "business" as well) and help socialize them by playing with them and giving them lots of love. I keep the GHS adoption binder up-to-date and I occasionally clean the cat room. I have also participated in fundraising events such as the Atlanta Pride Parade and the Adopt-a-thons at Petsmart.

Is there a rescue that stands out? One rescue that I will
never forget is the only one that I have actually seen and helped. Mary told me that there was a feral mommy cat living underneath Starbucks in the Petsmart shopping center. She had 4 or 5 kittens. I asked Mary if I could help rescue them and she said yes! So we sat outside behind Starbucks in the summer heat waiting and waiting with icky cat food, trying to lure the mommy out so we could grab the kittens. It took FOREVER and we rescued all of them but one, who the mommy cat would not let us get. The kittens were feral and when our hands came close they hissed and scratched. Mary socialized them and turned them into fun loving kittens. They all found wonderful homes and I was glad to be apart of it.

What do you want the world to know? I want the world to know that animals deserve to be treated with respect. Rescue groups stand up for abused and neglected animals and give them a voice when they normally wouldn't have anyone to stand up for them.
It means a lot to us to have Caley at adoption events taking care of all the animals. As you can see from the pictures, they adore her as much as we do!

We know there are a billion things the average teenager wants to do on their Saturdays off from school, and we are so thankful Caley chooses to spend those days with us and the animals! If only there were more Caley's, then the world would be a much happier and more compassionate place!