Last week was a tough week for me in what I call the "dog world". Got a call from an animal shelter who needed food, not to mention someone to save dogs and cats from death, low and behold, it was my shelter, that of the county I live in. I thought, oh, no, that does not happen here in Fayette, that is in more rural towns, blah, blah, blah. Well ALL the runs were full on Friday when we got there with the food. We took pictures of some of the doggies and kitties, posted on my Facebook Wall thinking surely someone would come forward. Disappointed again, nothing was adopted from there yesterday. I know in my heart we can only save one dog or cat at a time, but, it is those of us that go in there and have to look them in the eyes and know because one has a skin issue, attitude problem or whatever else comes up they will die. AND, they did not ask to be here. Well after that, on Saturday we drove to adoptions and it was hot out. We did not adopt one little kitten not to mention a precious pup, no, we had more people coming to us to drop off their dogs just throw out due to various reasons. My sadness runs deep, almost wondering if there is counseling available for those of us who see this everyday..........on the way home I had a good cry, came in the door to all my furbabies (yes, rescues) kissing me and crawling all over me. It was wonderful, they are the reasons I do this. The moral to my ramblings, because, as you all know, I am NO writer this is a plea for help either your local shelter, or your local humane society or if nothing else~donate dollars to your favorite, after all money is tight in rescue. I guess it is true. Tomorrow is another day, well for me and my furbabies not those in the shelter that their time is truly UP.
All of the pictures I have posted on my blog are of those I have fostered. There is nothing like the love you get from these babies.