Friday, December 31, 2010

The End of 2010

It's been a crazy year here for GHS. We've struggled with sad situations, but also been so thrilled to help so many homeless pets. We've seen our group change with many new faces coming on board and others going different routes. Change is inevitable in any situation. When I think about what has been accomplished, I am so happy that GHS saved over 1,200 of Georgia's animals this year. Most were from high-kill shelters, some were from owner surrenders, many from hoarding situations, and some just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Personally, as the year ends I think back to all the adoptions I did and I find lots of comfort knowing the cats I cared for at the adoption center are happy, warm, and loved. I've got their pictures on my computer and every once in a while I will scroll through and it reminds me of the difference I have made. I also have memories that stick out, like poor old Jojo who was left to die at a local shelter. Or sweet Dante that was shot with buckshot and later passed to Parvo. I think of my fellow rescuers marching fearlessly into the homes of hoarders trying to save suffering pets, or our foster parents dealing with some shelters that just frankly would rather euthanize than save the animals.

I try not to dwell, because this past year I've seen so much good in the animal welfare community in Georgia. There are many people that are trying to change the situation by educating the public, enacting low-cost spay/neuter, rescuing, rehabilitating, rehoming, and standing up to those who would rather let our animals perish. I see the good will between fellow rescue groups who are always willing to share supplies, support, and ideas. I see the good will from many local animal controls who work tirelessly to save all the pets that come into their shelters. I see the good will from the public who have always responded when we have an especially dire case where we need funds or support. I look at the GHS facebook page and feel so comforted knowing we have 5,436 people standing with us for a better tomorrow.

This year I'm thankful for many things. I'm really thankful to all the people in Georgia from all different shelters and rescue groups that make it their life to save our pets. I'm so thankful for the lessons taught to me by my fellow rescuers all of whom have instilled in me wisdom that I did not have a year ago.

While there are still hundreds of thousands of Georgia's animals that aren't given a second chance, I know that one at a time we are working to change that. I like to think Georgia is slowly waking up to the reality that our animals depend on us, and that they deserve better.

I welcome 2011, because there are animals out there that need us all and we have the power to help!

GHS Love,